Why do some people overflow with energy, and others feel overwhelming fatigue? A growing body of research shows how an individual’s attitude towards health can determine whether they experience vibrant well-being or constant suffering. At Vaughan Chiropractic, we encourage practice members to adopt new ways of thinking about health…a wellness attitude. Adopt a Wellness Attitude
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Are you eating like an athlete? How can you improve your nutrition with healthy, high energy, high nutrient food? Roxanne Fisher of BBC Good Food interviewed 21 olympic athletes from the last summer games on their daily diets. The following nutritional choices summarizes what is shared among most of the athletes. For breakfast most of
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When our older son Max was 3 years old, he faced health challenges with his breathing at night. He was not sleeping well. He was breathing through his mouth, not his nose, snoring loudly, and would regularly stop breathing, wake up with a start, then inhale a deep breath and fall asleep again. This
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We hope you had a great transition into the first few weeks back to school with your family! As you and your children may already have backpacks, we will focus on how to use them safely. We see more and more spinal challenges every day, from long-term postural stress that can come from improperly used
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Many of us know that balance is the key to living a better quality and quantity of life. But like a gymnast on a balance beam, maintaining that focus on balance, also known as ‘homeostasis’, takes a great deal of trial and error… especially in what we eat. Wellness Chiropractor and founder of the Wellness
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During this time of the year, many of us are ramping up our physical activity. Not only doing more of what we love, but also doing new things like running, swimming, cycling, golf, beach volleyball, baseball and tennis just to name a few. For many others, the activities are more moderate and can include
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According to the British Medical Journal, “One in six couples have an unwanted delay in conception.” Research indicates that women ages 35 to 39 conceive spontaneously at half the rate of women ages 19 to 26. Due to mainstream media, people often believe that their inability to conceive is “normal” and strictly a result of
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Ahh…the benefits of healthy sleep. Definitely one of the best DAILY deposits we can make for our long term health and well-being – especially considering the average human sleep approximately one third of every day over their entire lifetime! But for many of us, good sleep is difficult to come by. Especially in our fast
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There was a quote in our centre for years, on the wall above our adjusting tables… ”It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye”. Antoine de Saint-Exupery Think of this, in terms of health & daily life. You can’t see oxygen, but find yourself
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As so many of us know, our heart, the life giving pump that it is, plays a critical role in our health, each and every moment of our waking day.Orchestrated to beat over 100,000x/day through electrochemical messages (we call Nerve Flow), it delivers life saving blood to each organ, tissue and cell in order that we
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