For Wellness Chiropractors, our concern is not so much what Cancer is or what’s it’s cure? We leave that to the scientists, researchers and technicians who every day apply their treatments & therapies to the hundreds of thousands around the world and that’s just the point. Chiropractic has never been a treatment or a therapy,
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When the birth process can be approached as a natural process, that a pregnant woman can trust, and when supportive birth practitioners honour its sacred nature, a baby’s birth can be an incredibly wonderous, magical, miracle of nature. Unfortunately for many of us, our image of birth has been clouded by how it is
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Extending your life is easy, you just have to learn more, so says David Cutler, dean for social sciences at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University, and Ellen Meara, assistant professor of health care policy at Harvard Medical School who cited that people having more than 12 years of education have significantly
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With growing knowledge, research, and the acceptance of the public about the benefits of natural health care, we are gaining the wisdom that the healthiest children on the planet are NOT the ones that rely on medications or are raised with lifestyle & behavioural habits like too much TV, high inactivity and process food diets.
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The holidays are over, February is here. We often talk about vision and goals in life, but what about the present …today that is? Like our eyes which create vision for our future, did you know our ears create & strengthen our connection to the present? Indeed meditation, the art of listening well, is a
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As a Chiropractor, we want you to keep holding us accountable to being your role model for optimal health while we continue to pray into each one of you the vision we have for your families improved health & healing – including decisions to incorporate more consistent movement & healthy exercise into your weekly wellness
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As the holiday season and the great Canadian winter approach, take a moment to consider a snowflake. It’s unique and amazing on its own, but if it unites with a lot of other snowflakes, they gather enormous power; creating havoc or a winter wonderland (depending on your point of view). You’re like that snowflake: amazing
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Is the pain of arthritis draining you (or someone you know) of the energy and zest needed for a rich, joyous life? This month, our focus at Vaughan Chiropractic is arthritis – let’s look at what it is and 5 simple strategies for improving your body’s ability to deal with it better, and even heal
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Sleep is one of the most under appreciated areas of health. Research over the last decade has shown that good quality sleep in children leads to: less adult obesity greater bone density increased height, growth and development All these studies talk about what will happen in the future if kids sleep well. A recent study
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Consider your life as a journey that you are taking. There are different kinds of journeys. A day trip is a short burst of fun that doesn’t require much planning and pacing of energy, time and resources. An all-out, full-length safari of a vacation is an epic voyage, packed with possibilities, and requiring careful preparation
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