
Dad you may have been misguided about cholesterol

Gov­ern­ment Admits Mis­guided War on Cholesterol For the last 4 decades, North Amer­i­cans have been warned that foods high in fat and cho­les­terol lead to heart dis­ease, obe­sity and other ill­nesses. Adults have been encour­aged to reduce their fat intake to about 30 per­cent of their total daily calo­ries. And cho­les­terol low­er­ing drugs (statins) have been pop­u­larly prescribed. Just

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Express Delivery

Originally published September 2012, Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine   Not every labor is a marathon; some take only a few hours. But are these so-called precipitous births really abnormal, or are they more common than we think? Soon after I began assembling a bed frame, which I thought would be a good labor project,

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Sand Xercise

Explore the Science and Benefits Associated with Exercise in the Sand Sand is softer…Natural Cushion Instead of pounding your joints and feet on hard pavement, sand acts as a natural cushion. Health advocates say that walking barefoot grounds us. At the very least, it reconnects us to nature’s beauty which helps reduce stress as life

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Chiropractic Aids Athletic Performance

By Dr Deed Harrison All 32 teams in the US National Foot­ball League have chi­ro­prac­tors on staff. So do 27 of 30 Major League Base­ball teams and most teams in the National Bas­ket­ball Association. Ath­letes from Tiger Woods to Michael Jor­dan have pub­licly praised chi­ro­prac­tic for pre­vent­ing injuries and improv­ing performance. What do pro­fes­sional ath­letes know that week­end war­riors don’t? They believe that

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Don’t Let a Fall Bring You Down

  A senior who’s suf­fered an injury from a fall knows the dra­matic impact it can have not just phys­i­cally, but psy­cho­log­i­cally. Falls can swiftly take away the sense of inde­pen­dence and con­fi­dence that allows a senior to fully enjoy their life. Unfor­tu­nately, falls are all too com­mon in our aging pop­u­la­tion, 1 in every 3 Cana­di­ans over the

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Microbes, Biodiversity and the Benefits of Getting Dirty

By David Suzuki with con­tri­bu­tions from David Suzuki Foundation’s Senior Edi­tor Ian Hanington We’re sur­rounded by life, but Earth’s most plen­ti­ful liv­ing things are invis­i­ble to the naked eye. Microbes are not only around us, they live on and in us. Although some cause mal­adies rang­ing from food poi­son­ing to small­pox, there are many we

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Nerve System Function and Wellness

The term “well­ness” is becom­ing com­mon and being used by many holis­tic care groups to describe the type of care they are offer­ing. Mer­riam Web­ster defines well­ness as “the qual­ity or state of being in good health, espe­cially as an actively sought goal.” From Wikipedia, the free ency­clo­pe­dia, “Well­ness is gen­er­ally used to mean a

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