Great Life Chiropractic Blog

Nerve System Function and Wellness

The term “well­ness” is becom­ing com­mon and being used by many holis­tic care groups to describe the type of care they are offer­ing. Mer­riam Web­ster defines well­ness as “the qual­ity or state of being in good health, espe­cially as an actively sought goal.” From Wikipedia, the free ency­clo­pe­dia, “Well­ness is gen­er­ally used to mean a

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Soaring Numbers of Children on Powerful Adult Psychiatric Drugs

There has been a concerted effort by pharmaceutical companies to prescribe toxic antipsychotic drugs to children. Now the “success” of this campaign has been documented in the Archives of General Psychiatry. In a comparison between the years 1993–1998 and 2005–2009, prescriptions of antipsychotic drugs per 100 children (ages 13 and under) rose from 0.24 to

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Why to Detox Cleanse

Despite the fact that we may try to eat healthy, we still absorb a lot of junk from our environment. Our bodies are exposed to a wide variety of chemicals on a daily basis – including pesticides, food additives, cosmetic and hygiene products, cleaning products, medications, environmental pollution, and even negative thoughts. Removing this constant influx

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52 Weeks of Thanks

This year we celebrated our 15th year anniversary since we opened Vaughan Chiropractic!…and we give sincere thanks to you and your families for continuing to put your trust, confidence and faith in us. We also thank you for your referrals which help us grow our mission to help as many families as possible to experience life, feeling

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We are Giving Thanks!

We are giving thanks to our community, this Thursday October 9th, 3-6pm at our annual Thanksgiving Patient Appreciation Day. We are thankful to celebrate our 15th Anniversary serving optimal spinal health and wellness in Vaughan and the GTA! We are thankful for the support from our amazing Vaughan Chiropractic team members over all these years!

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Clumsiness Scale

Research is currently being conducted in the positive role that chiropractic plays in assisting those who have poor proprioceptive function. Proprioception is the ability of the brain to sense the relative position of the body parts in space, and the ability to move without looking at your moving body parts. For example, when you close

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