Great Life Chiropractic Blog

Reconnecting with Nature

With spring and warmer weather, comes an innate need and desire to be outside. It is something our body craves. Our body reconnects with nature, through all the senses each time we’re outside. Spending time outside encourages movement, which helps keep us lean and strong and healthy. Spending unstructured time in nature, encourages imagination. Spending

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Why Organic Meat?

Family dinner tables, Olympic villages and fast food chains like Chipolte, are today serving more organic meat than ever before. Although in the Tsiapalis family we rarely eat any meat, if and when you do see it, it’s always organic. Like many of you, the question of whether or not to that extra dollar on

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Breathe: Reducing Pain

What could be simpler than Breathing?  Focused breathing dramatically influences how the mind and body perceive pain.  Recent studies show that slow deep breathing gas an analgesic effect, significantly reducing the intensity of pain (Pain 2010; Epub). Breathing exercises lower stress and accompanying muscle tension, common factors that contribute to pain.  In addition, focused breathing

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