With spring and warmer weather, comes an innate need and desire to be outside. It is something our body craves. Our body reconnects with nature, through all the senses each time we’re outside. Spending time outside encourages movement, which helps keep us lean and strong and healthy. Spending unstructured time in nature, encourages imagination. Spending
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Family dinner tables, Olympic villages and fast food chains like Chipolte, are today serving more organic meat than ever before. Although in the Tsiapalis family we rarely eat any meat, if and when you do see it, it’s always organic. Like many of you, the question of whether or not to that extra dollar on
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Last week our 9 month old daughter, Matea, experienced her first infection. Although she was being breastfed, she had an infection that had yellow-green goop coming from her eyes, nose and ears. And although many think of antibiotics as a first defense in such an infection, remember that our bodies are designed to fight the
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Last summer I asked our eldest son Max, two weeks before he turned 7 years old, “what would you still like to accomplish as a 6 year old?” He put some thought into it, and responded…”I’d like to learn to ride a bike.” We were very excited for him with this goal, as we’d been
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In 1964, Mick Jagger sang about “time being on your side”. Today, his words and “moves” still keep us anchored to a reality we all share. When it comes to time; we all have the same amount. Sixty seconds in a minute. One hundred and sixty eight hours in a week and so many minutes
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At Vaughan Chiropractic, we walk softly, but carry a Big Green stick, often referred to as our “TIC”. Along with spinal adjustments, we often speak in metaphors of principle we call “TIC” for the purpose of keeping ourselves and our practice members connected to those anchors keep us on our path of lifetime wellness. Isn’t
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In Lance Armstrong’s 2000 year autobiography, “it’s not about the bike” – his message, 12 years later remains clear, strong and more important than ever. Moving well has less to do with things outside of us, than it does with the decisions and efforts we make from within to stay responsible for our health. Both
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No one really knows, but if you could consider your life as a journey – there would be many different kinds you could take. A day trip is a short burst of fun that doesn’t require much planning and pacing of energy, time and resources. An all-out, full-length safari of a vacation is an epic
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What could be simpler than Breathing? Focused breathing dramatically influences how the mind and body perceive pain. Recent studies show that slow deep breathing gas an analgesic effect, significantly reducing the intensity of pain (Pain 2010; Epub). Breathing exercises lower stress and accompanying muscle tension, common factors that contribute to pain. In addition, focused breathing
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When I played Varsity volleyball, my old coach, mentor and friend, Dave Preston, use to hit balls so hard and fast at us in a drill we called Kojima. If we didn’t have our “heads up” we typically suffered the bruising consequence of a leather ball to the head. Although it was lots of fun
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