Suppose you have a rocket – an incredibly sophisticated and complex machine – and you are planning the voyage of a lifetime to Mars. A trip like that will require all sorts of supplies. You will certainly need fuel – but what kind? Your rocket will need huge amounts of energy to journey to Mars,
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Yikes, is it bed time already? How many of us feel this way at the end of our hard working day? Indeed, a good night sleep, like proper nutrition, healthy water, prayerful living, exercise and regular adjustments are essential to your well-being. Each habit contributes vitally to the resources for your innate function and like
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Easier, Safer Birth and Pregnancy I remember when I first discovered that I was pregnant I organized a plan for the next 9 months to provide as healthy an environment as possible for our little growing baby. I became more conscious of what foods I was putting in my body. I stopped using products that
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Statin drugs are prescribed to artificially lower cholesterol in the body, to attempt to reduce heart disease and mortality. When you look at the research, it becomes questionable if heart disease is reduced. You can decide for yourself by looking at the following studies. The popular statin drug, Lipitor is shown to help only 1
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Doctor’s Note: We know that chiropractic doesn’t cure anything, the power that made the body, is what heals the body. But below is another example of the many symptoms that disappear when subluxations are removed with chiropractic adjustments. Amazing! Researchers in China report that spinal adjustments may cure irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). According to the
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When handled poorly, conflict resolution results in long-simmering, tense or broken working and personal relationships. However, if dealt with mindfully, conflicts can improve our understanding of ourselves and others, and build our relationships. How do you manage conflict? Do you get angry easily and express it, but with little control? Or do you stockpile complaints,
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Evidence suggests that behaviors established at a young age persist in adulthood. If you’re a parent, you probably believe the evidence — that’s why you don’t want your children “picking up bad habits” from other children, or hanging out with “the wrong crowd.” But this “evidence” might not be quite accurate, at least not when
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The H1N1 virus has been the talk of all media recently and there are a lot of questions being asked about viruses and how to boost the immune system naturally. OUR RECOMMENDATIONS TO PRO-ACTIVELY BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM NATURALLY against H1N1 and seasonal flu viruses: Schedule an extra adjustment for your family per week No
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Do you ever feel “chained to your desk?” If so, you aren’t alone. For many office workers, spending all day behind a desk can have a detrimental effect on physical and mental health. That is why our doctors here at Vaughan Chiropractic are concerned about ergonomics in the workplace. They just presented last week a
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10 Key Tips School is fast approaching, so before our kids go back to school with SORE backs, here are some tips that will help take the load off! Don’t sling your backpack on one side – this can cause the spine to lean, putting stress on the joints and muscles in the mid –
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