Great Life Chiropractic

The Moral and Scientific Opposition to GMOs

AUTHOR // Charles Eisenstein Is the engineering of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) a dangerous technology posing grave risks to human and ecological health? Or are GMOs a potent new tool in the onward march of modern agricultural technology in its race to feed the world? In a recent opinion piece in the Washington Post, “Avoiding

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Community Contributions

Our Community Contributions We’re dedicated to improving the health and well-being of our community. Here is a gallery of some of the events we have spear­headed or contributed to and par­tic­i­pated in. If you have an event at which you would like to invite us to con­tribute, please con­tact us.

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Community Impact

We are dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of individuals and families, locally and as far reaching as we can. You may see us at com­mu­nity and sports events pro­vid­ing spinal health check­ups or at sports facilities, workplaces, churches and schools providing health talks. Through ongoing education for our practice members and

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