Great Life Chiropractic

Meet the Doctors

Dr C Gus Tsi­a­palis is blessed to be a fam­ily chi­ro­prac­tor, a hus­band, a father of four beau­ti­ful chil­dren, and professional speaker and inspirational coach on innate health & wellness. He has been living and sharing the chiropractic lifestyle for almost three decades. He started in Canada after com­plet­ing his Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Bio­chem­istry

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What to Expect

“I love the relaxed atmosphere and how easy it was to talk to everyone! A great first chiropractic experience!” – Melissa D. We’re looking forward to serving you! Check out what to expect here. Get to know us, then contact us to or schedule online to make an appointment, so that we can get to

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Custom Foot Orthotics

STAND TALL Custom Foot Orthotics A cus­tom orthotic is a device designed to align the foot and ankle into the most anatom­i­cally effi­cient posi­tion. They look like insoles, but are bio­me­chan­i­cal med­ical appli­ances that are cus­tom made to cor­rect your spe­cific foot imbal­ance. Cus­tom orthotics work on your feet much like glasses work on your

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