AUTHOR // Jessica Rios When I was in college, I heard about hippies living together on communes. It sounded so wild, so flowery, so free. Midwives, breast milk, raw honey kind of free. Then my college roommates came along. Our house was nowhere near as clean as my mother had kept ours. Dishes sat stinky
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AUTHOR // Nicole Lopez, D.C. Pathways to Family Wellness, June 1, 2018 On April 12, a 1-month-old baby, Leniel, presented to our office with severe discomfort and inability to nurse properly or sleep. He had a hyperextended neck, with his head rotated and fixated to the left, and he was crying a lot. This was
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AUTHOR // The HeartMath Institute, Pathways to Family Wellness Most of us have been taught in school that the heart is constantly responding to “orders” sent by the brain in the form of neural signals. However, it is not as commonly known that the heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain
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AUTHOR // Gretchen Reynolds, New York Times, May 2, 2018 Small amounts of exercise could have an outsize effect on happiness. According to a new review of research about good moods and physical activity, people who work out even once a week or for as little as 10 minutes a day tend to be more
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Summer Time is vacation time for many of us. The kids are out of school and family trips are planned. In the world of The 100 Year Lifestyle, we call vacations Play Time. Play Time has many benefits and may help prevent forced time off that is caused by a health crisis. When someone makes
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Have you heard of ‘Text Neck’? Text Neck is the pain many people are starting to experience in their neck, upper back, and shoulders areas. The cause of Text Neck is the increasing amount of time people spend using handheld devices such as cell phones, iPods and iPads. Text Neck pain starts in the neck
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Musculoskeletal Pain and School Bag Use: A Cross Sectional Study Among Ugandan Pupils. Mwaka ES, Munabi IG, Buwembo W, Kukkiriza J, Ochieng J. BMC Res Notes. 2014 Apr 9;7:222. doi: 10.1186/1756-0500-7-222. Background: All over the world there has been an outcry by parents, school officials, and health professionals concerning the carrying of backpack loads beyond
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Is It Sun Rays Or Sunscreen Use That Causes Cancer? Did you know that despite the invention of sunscreen, cases of skin cancers are on the rise every year. Elizabeth Plourde, PhD, is a California-based scientist who has shown that malignant melanoma and all other skin cancers increased significantly with ubiquitous sunscreen use over a
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AUTHOR // Sarah Ockwell-Smith, Pathways to Family Wellness Sleep is a big issue in our society, and an enticing moneymaker. Is our species so flawed that we must forever be on the verge of a nervous breakdown for the first three years of our offspring’s life? Or does our obsession with infant sleep show a
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We know that physical activity and a good diet go hand in hand when it comes to our health. We also understand the importance of personal hygiene practices, like brushing our teeth and bathing. But do we place a similar emphasis on our sleeping patterns? Sleep plays an important role in maintaining a person’s health
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