Wellness Library

Bena’s Healthy Transformation

Bena was introduced to our centre by a friend, Anna C, who has been enjoying her chiropractic care at VC for a number of years. Bena was seeking help for a back problem which had been progressively getting worse since July of the previous year. Since starting chiropractice care, she has been following her chiropractic

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Benefits of Digital Xray

The world’s first introduction to radiology, which involves the process known as X-rays, came in 1895 from German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen’s first X-ray photograph of his wife’s hand donning a ring. Since this breakthrough achievement, medical radiography has only continued to exceed technological boundaries. Like many film mediums, including photography and movie making, radiography has

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Chiropractic Boosts Immune System

In 1975, Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute and professor in Environmental Health at New York University, began researching the most scientifically valid ways to estimate individual susceptibility to various chronic diseases. He has conducted a tremendous amount of research in this area that includes over 160

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Effect of Backpack Load Carriage on Cervical Posture in Primary Schoolchildren

Work. 2012 (Jan 1); 41 (1): 99—108 Kistner F, Fiebert I, Roach K.   Objective: This study examined the effects of various backpack loads on elementary schoolchildren’s posture and postural compensations as demonstrated by a change in forward head position. Subjects: A convenience sample of 11 schoolchildren, aged 8-11 years participated. Methods: Sagittal digital photographs

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Homemade Baby Wipes

From Pathways to Family Wellness What more could a mom ask for than a happy, healthy baby? You no longer have to worry about what are in your store bought baby wipes, because now you know exactly what they contain; only the gentlest ingredients to ensure a naturally cleaned baby’s bottom. This only took 10

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Improvement in Multiple Sclerosis Symptomatology in a Patient Undergoing Chiropractic Care

The Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research published a study on August 24, 2015, documenting the case of a woman with multiple sclerosis (MS) showing a decrease in symptoms and an increase in her quality of life with chiropractic care. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. The study

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Justine’s Health Transformation

Justine is an elementary school teacher who discovered Vaughan Chiropractic through Google. She had been experiencing chronic recurrent episodes of low back pain over the years and presented on her first visit with constant, sharp low back pain that was worse with sitting and lying down for extended periods of time. After learning about vertebral

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Making Healthy Babies

By Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani, from Pathways to Family Wellness, Issue #30 Want to get pregnant? Here are 10 tips for increasing your chances of conceiving a healthy baby…naturally! 1) Know Your Cycle When is your “fertility window”? The Sympto-Thermal Method has proved to be a very effective way to determine when you’re most fertile. It

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