Work. 2012 (Jan 1); 41 (1): 99—108 Kistner F, Fiebert I, Roach K. Objective: This study examined the effects of various backpack loads on elementary schoolchildren’s posture and postural compensations as demonstrated by a change in forward head position. Subjects: A convenience sample of 11 schoolchildren, aged 8-11 years participated. Methods: Sagittal digital photographs
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The world’s first introduction to radiology, which involves the process known as X-rays, came in 1895 from German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen’s first X-ray photograph of his wife’s hand donning a ring. Since this breakthrough achievement, medical radiography has only continued to exceed technological boundaries. Like many film mediums, including photography and movie making, radiography has
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Patricia discovered Vaughan Chiropractic when she was searching online. She had been experiencing neck and shoulder pain, in episodes for a long time. At her first examination you can see below, from her thermal nerve scan, how much nerve interference there was (red is severe, blue is moderate, and green is mild). After beginning structural
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The Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research published a study on August 24, 2015, documenting the case of a woman with multiple sclerosis (MS) showing a decrease in symptoms and an increase in her quality of life with chiropractic care. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. The study
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Justine is an elementary school teacher who discovered Vaughan Chiropractic through Google. She had been experiencing chronic recurrent episodes of low back pain over the years and presented on her first visit with constant, sharp low back pain that was worse with sitting and lying down for extended periods of time. After learning about vertebral
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The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health published a case series study on October 5, 2015, documenting chiropractic helping two young boys with nocturnal enuresis, more commonly known as bedwetting. The study begins by noting that nocturnal enuresis (NE) is fairly common and estimates that by the age of 5 years, 15% of children
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In 1975, Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute and professor in Environmental Health at New York University, began researching the most scientifically valid ways to estimate individual susceptibility to various chronic diseases. He has conducted a tremendous amount of research in this area that includes over 160
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Everyone knows there’s nothing like a good night’s sleep for feeling refreshed and alert in the morning. On the other hand, not getting the six to eight hours of sleep that you need may leave you feeling grumpy and tired all day. But here’s something you may not know: You have far more control over
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Whenever our oldest child, Zoe, gets a ‘cold’ or ‘flu’, it is amazing to witness how effectively and quickly her immune system works. She innately follows her body’s cue to need more sleep and rest. Her appetite goes down. And…she gets a fever. Her fever is usually high, she sleeps, and rests, and then the
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What are whole foods? 1. Whole foods are foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined (eg. cooked) as little as possible before being eaten. 2. Whole foods are what our ancestors ate before the introduction of processed, shelf life designed ‘food’. 3. Whole foods provide a greater source of micronutrients in their
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