Wellness Library

Routine Use of Antibiotics for Otitis Media (Earaches) Unproven

The results of a multinational study funded by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research yielded surprising results. Eight international researchers from Britain, the Netherlands and the United States reported their findings after an exhaustive search of scientific literature on the use of antibiotics for children with Otitis Media. The paper produced by the

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Safety of Depression Drugs Questioned

An article by Gardiner Harris in the August 7, 2003 New York Times highlights the issue of the dangers of Paxil, one of the world’s most prescribed antidepressants and about the entire class of these drugs that also includes Prozac and Zoloft. The article reports that unpublished studies about Paxil show that it carries a

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Seniors; Are They Being Over-medicated?

From the University of Buffalo comes an article that raises questions and concerns about the amount of medications taken by senior citizens. Dr. Wayne K. Anderson, Dean of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences states, “Different physicians use different drugs to treat different conditions, and some of these drugs interact, in some cases exacerbating

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Should Watchful Waiting Be Used More Often for Acute Otitis Media?

Are antibiotics really needed for ear infections? An article from the October 2001 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests otherwise. According to the article the medical profession is facing a situation where the antibiotics they have relied on in the past are becoming less effective, prompting physicians around the world to consider alternatives.

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