A PRWEB news release dated September 30, 2005 announced that the U.S. Department of Justice released awards totaling $6.2 million to help states fight prescription drug abuse. The article noted that prescription drug abuse has rapidly grown into a national epidemic and is now one of America’s fastest rising categories of substance abuse. Studies show
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The Associated Press reported on May 22, 2003 that the US Congress voted to prohibit schools from making children with behavioral problems take medication in order to attend class. According to this bill which passed 425-1, states receiving federal education money must make sure schools do not coerce parents into medicating their children. Representative Max
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From the July 26th 2000 online issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), and in the Aug. 28, 2000 issue of the American Medical News, comes some sad statistics concerning the state of health in the United States. These numbers should be viewed in the light that Americans spend more by far
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An article in the December 19, 2001 online issue of WebMD reporting on an article from the December 20, 2001 New England Journal of Medicine reports that two Risk of Kidney Failureof the most common over the counter drugs can have serious effects. The study was conducted in Sweden by interviewing 1924 subjects half of
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A November 10, 2005 PRNewswire release advises shoppers to consider holiday shopping as an event that requires preparation and attention to your health and well being. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) urges people to consider several points to help ward off the stress and strain that often accompanies this season. They offer a checklist to
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In two separate stories, both tomatoes and orange juice have been shown to have some unexpected health benefits. One story reported in the March 19, 2002 issue of MSNBC Health states that, “Drinking orange juice lowers blood pressure.” The other article from the March 5, 2002 issue of MSNBC Health had the headline, “Tomatoes may
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The above headline is the title of a story from the November 6, 2001 online issue of WebMD. The article starts off by reporting on two recent studies involving the use of prayer in medicine. The Power of Prayer in MedicineIn one of these recent studies, women at an in vitro fertilization clinic had higher
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In an August 3, 2006 release by the Ontario Chiropractic Association carried by the CNW Group, the chiropractors of Ontario are offering safety reminders to children who are returning to school after a summer break. These reminders relate to carefully selecting and using backpacks for children. Dr. Bryan Wolfe, President of the Ontario Chiropractic Association
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Results of a Survey on Fevers that was reported in a February 6, 2002 release from Reuters Health showed that parents often over react by treating fevers in children earlier than necessary. The survey compared attitudes of doctors, nurses and parents towards treating fevers in children. The results revealed that parents tend to treat high
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The above headline appeared on the December 6, 2001 issues of the online MSNBC and the Washington Post. According to the Post story author David Brown, “The number of surgical calamities in which a doctor operates on the wrong part of a patient’s Surgical Calamities on Risebody, and occasionally on the wrong patient, appears to
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