Wellness Library

US Government Awards $6.2 Million for Prescription Drug Abuse Monitoring

A PRWEB news release dated September 30, 2005 announced that the U.S. Department of Justice released awards totaling $6.2 million to help states fight prescription drug abuse. The article noted that prescription drug abuse has rapidly grown into a national epidemic and is now one of America’s fastest rising categories of substance abuse. Studies show

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US Releases New Dietary Guidelines

With the recent emphasis on obesity and the new studies linking it to poor health the US government released a new set of dietary guidelines on January 12, 2004. The new guidelines call for Americans to reduce their calorie intake and to exercise for 30 to 90 minutes a day. Health and Human Services Secretary

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Variations in Medical Care Costs

In the May 22, 2000 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine appears an article on the variations in costs for the same medical procedures. Researchers from the Program in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research and the Departments of Medicine and Health Administration, University of Toronto and Womens College Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario

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Viagra linked to Cases of Blindness

Reported in Reuters March 12, 2001 is a story that links Viagra usage to blindness. Dr. Howard Pomeranz, a US ophthalmologist and director of neuro-ophthalmology at the University of Maryland Medical centre, says there appears to be a risk that men taking Viagra, the impotence drug, could suffer permanent vision loss or even blindness. “We

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Water Fluoridation Issue Draws Action

Opposition to the mass fluoridation of drinking water continues to grow. A March 16, 2003 article in the Environmental News Network reports on a story from the town of Canton New York which has stopped mass Fluoridation of the water system. According to the story, one hundred and thirty faculty and staff members of Canton’s

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