A documented case study published in the October 4, 2006 issue of the peer reviewed publication, the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (JVSR), describes the results of chiropractic care on an 8-year-old boy with many learning and behavioral disorders. Additionally, his mother reported that the boy also suffered from, severe headaches, neck pain, constant blood
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From the October 10, 2003 BBC News comes a report that urges people to be aware of their posture while driving. Whether in Britain or in the United States, people spend much of their lives driving. The article notes that poor posture while driving contributes to spinal problems. According to the British Chiropractic Association, (BCA),
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A report in a September 7, 2004 release from “Business Wire” states that the efforts to educate the public about backpack safety have begun to show positive results. For several years the chiropractic profession, through the major associations as well as independent organizations, has been on a mission to educate the public about the dangers
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Concern over children and their backpacks continues to grow. An article appearing in the September 8, 2003 issue of The Times Herald features this problem by noting “Trudging their way around the school campus or to the bus stop, hunched-over kids could be dealing themselves a lifetime of back pain, experts warn.” The US Consumer
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In the Atlanta Journal-Constitution September 28th 1999 issue, comes an article of concern about children carrying heavy backpacks. The article links these packs to an increase in musculoskelital pains in children. The problem according to the article is that the weight of these packs upsets the balance in the spine, which can cause spinal and
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According to a story from the April, 8, 2002 issue of the New Yorker online magazine “Fact”, the results of back surgeries performed over the years have been much less than expected. The article starts by asking the question, “Is surgery the best approach to chronic back pain?” It then goes on to state, “Last
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A research journal, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics published a study that showed high levels of patient satisfaction for those who went to chiropractors with what was classified as severe to moderate pain in either the back or neck. A total of 369 patients were sampled who had gone to chiropractors with these
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More people are visiting and paying for their care to go to chiropractors. This from a May 16, 2000 WebMD article reporting on a study published in the Journal of the Geriatric Society. That study of more than 800 patients showed that more than half of people over age 55 seek chiropractic care for mild
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In the Sept. 19, 2000 /PRNewswire was a report by the American Chiropractic Association on a survey of “Baby Boomers” conducted in the fall of 1999. The survey of baby boomers was conducted by Sorelli B, a national research firm. The survey found that more than one third of those surveyed said chiropractic care prevented
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Two separate papers published in two scientific journals hold hope for children with autism through chiropractic care. One paper published in the March 2006 issue of Clinical Chiropractic reviews past studies on chiropractic and Autism. This paper recounts in clinical studies where children with autism are helped with chiropractic care. Most of the studies reviewed
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