In the May 2003 issue of the peer reviewed scientific publication, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, is a case study report of a patient with Bells Palsy and the response with chiropractic care. Bell’s palsy is a common condition that results in weakness or total paralysis of one half of the face. Bell’s palsy
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A study published in the February 2000 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, (JMPT), showed that people suffering with migraine headaches were helped with chiropractic care. The study was conducted in Australia at the Chiropractic Research centre of Macquarie University. In this research 177 volunteers were studied who had migraine headaches for
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A health minded program, “America on the Move” seems to fit the Chiropractic model of wellness. From an April 9, 2004 release on PRNewswire, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) urges people to take an extra 2000 steps per day. America on the Move is a national initiative dedicated to helping individuals and communities make positive
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Compared to years past, stories depicting individual chiropractors in a positive light are turning up more often than not. Years ago, the only stories the press would publish on chiropractors were attempts to show them as a fringe group well disliked by the medical community. Today very few of those stories arise and more of
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The June 25 2002 PRNewswire reports on a group of chiropractors offering help to the firefighters in Colorado who were fighting the tremendous wildfire blazes that ravaged the area. The story stated, “In an overwhelming demonstration of goodwill, over 100 Colorado doctors of chiropractic have volunteered their time, talent, and equipment to provide chiropractic care
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The above headline appeared as the title of a feature article originally published in Northern Colorado Business Report of Feb. 20, 2004. The article, whose subtitle was, “Medical community losing its opposition to chiropractic care,” was written by Chryss Cada, and features a number of testimonials from chiropractic patients. The opening testimonial came from a
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On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina came ashore on the US Gulf Coast and left a path of death, devastation and destruction that is unprecedented in recent US history. Government emergency services and many other relief workers have begun the long job of rescue relief and restoration. People from all over the United States and
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The August 04, 2005 Business Wire ran story about backpack safety and chiropractic. Dr. Kassie Donoghue, president of the California Chiropractic Association (CCA) states, “As the mother of an elementary school aged child, I know the pressure that comes from kids who want a certain cartoon character or color. As a doctor, I want to
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Manitoba, Canada has become the focal point of a heated battle by the chiropractic profession to protect the rights of children to receive the benefits of chiropractic care. Over the past year several anti-chiropractic forces have started a false smear campaign to gain publicity by trying to say that chiropractic care may be dangerous. This
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On November 15, 2002 a ceremony was held onboard the dinner cruise ship, Mystique, in the waters of the East River with New York City’s surreal skyline illuminated in the background. The ceremony included an emotional tribute to the police officers, firefighters and other rescue/relief workers who contributed to the effort on 9-11 and the
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