September 18th, is the anniversary of the first chiropractic adjustment and the birth of the chiropractic profession. DD Palmer gave the first adjustment to Harvey Lillard in 1895 in Davenport Iowa along side the Mississippi River. DD Palmer was himself a colorful figure. During his lifetime, Palmer would be a school teacher, a farmer–developing a
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laude Bernard was a 19th century French physiologist and contemporary of French chemist Louis Pasteur. The two famous doctors argued throughout their lives as to what really was the cause of disease, the soil or the seed. Pasteur insisted it was the seed (germ) while Bernard claimed it was the soil (the body). On Pasteurs
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A research study published in the November 7, 2005 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, showed a positive result in the care of individuals with depression. For the purpose of this study subjects were selected on the basis of being over 18 years of age and having depression noted in their medical history
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The January, 2007 issue of the scientific periodical, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) published a case study showing the beneficial effects of chiropractic care on an 8 year old boy suffering from chronic constipation. In this case the boy had been suffering with the condition since birth and was treated medically with
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Research, published in the November 2002 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (JVSR) demonstrates that chiropractic care may be effective in helping patients with allergies and Crohn’s Disease. The results of those studied showed long term remission and alleviation of symptoms in both allergy and Crohn’s Disease. Crohn’s disease causes inflammation in the
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The above question is the title of an article from the national publication, Parents and Kids, in the July 25, 2006 issue. The article was an informative contribution covering good information in a magazine whose self-proclaimed purpose is “A Guide to Smart Parenting From Baby to Preteen”. The article starts by reviewing the fact that
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May is Correct Posture Month. In a May 6, 2004 Yahoo news release is a story from the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) proclaiming May as Correct Posture Month. The article notes that a new study published in the journal ‘Spine’ revealed an urgent need for health promotion programs to increase awareness and reduce risks in
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The National Health Service in Ballerup (Copenhagen, Denmark) conducted a study involving 50 infants with diagnoses infantile colic. Half of the group was given the drug dimethicon while the other half was given chiropractic care. In this study nine of the 25 taking the drug dropped out of the study because the infants were getting
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Virginia Tech’s football team has had an impressive record over the last several years. Head Coach Frank Beamer took the “Hokies” to a Big East Conference championship where they finished number 2 in the Associated Press. Some of the credit for their physical health and recovery from injuries is attributed to chiropractic care. Dr. Greg
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A clinical trial reported in on May 22, 2005 showed that 72% of migraine sufferers experienced either ‘substantial’ or ‘noticeable’ improvement after a period of chiropractic care. The study was a randomized clinical trial completed over a 20 year period. Dr. Peter Tuchin, was the chief researcher and presented his results in a thesis
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