A case series study published in the January 19, 2006 issue of the scientific journal, Chiropractic & Osteopathy, documents the improvements in hearing in study subjects after a chiropractic adjustment. The journal, Chiropractic & Osteopathy is the official journal of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australasia. The study is significant as it looked for
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More insurance plans and companies are including what they call “complementary healthcare” into their plans. One such agreement comes from PacifiCare signing an agreement with Complementary Healthcare Plans to offer chiropractic and other non-medical types of care to their policy holders. Consumers also rate plans which include complementary procedures as high in satisfaction levels. Landmark
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Appearing in the August 9, 2006 issue of the publication “The Southern Health Magazine” is an overview article on chiropractic. This article by Southern Health Contributor Joanna Gray was written for an audience in southern Illinois and presents an overview of chiropractic. The focus of the article is toward those who have not experienced chiropractic
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As reported in the Feb. 2, 2000 PRNewswire, American WholeHealth Networks, Inc., the largest health care network of complementary and alternative medicine providers in the US, announced that the company will provide a chiropractic covered benefit and an alternative medicine affinity program to the over 400,000 individuals covered by the plan. Ray Seaver, American WholeHealth
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On February 7, 2001 the US Census Bureau released figures that show just how expensive treating sickness in the US really is. According to a Census Bureau report, health care industry revenues hit $1.01 trillion in 1999, up 4.3 percent from the previous year. According to the report hospitals received $413 billion, while physicians’ offices
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In the September 2001 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics was a report on the effectiveness of chiropractic care, specifically labeled “SMT” in the study, for patients with chronic headaches. The data for this report was gathered from nine trials involving 683 patients with chronic headache. In this study chiropractic adjustments (termed
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On September 18, 1895 the first chiropractic adjustment was given by Dr. DD Palmer, a magnetic healer of the time, to Harvey Lillard. Mr. Lillard, a janitor in the Ryan building on the corner of Brady and 2nd Street in Davenport Iowa, was nearly totally deaf for 17 years. After the historic first adjustment, Harvey’s
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In the September 26, 2006 Research Update of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) comes a preliminary case study that reviews the process of a young boy with growing pains under chiropractic care. In this case a 3 year old boy was suffering from complaints of leg pain and lower back pain. In addition, he
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For the 12th consecutive year, global superstar and chiropractic supporter, and now Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger was the featured speaker at the International Chiropractors Association’s (ICA) Symposium on Natural Fitness held March 5-6, 2004 in Columbus, Ohio. Speaking to over 400 participants Governor Schwarzenegger told the crowd: “I am honored to be back with
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Once again for 2005 Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared as the feature speaker at the International Chiropractors Association Sports and Fitness Symposium. The event was held March 4-5, 2005 in conjunction with the Arnold Bodybuilding and Fitness Classic. For each of the past 13 years Arnold, (now Governor Schwarzenegger) has taken time out of his Fitness
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