In the September 2001 issue of the peer reviewed, “Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics” comes a case report study titled, “Chiropractic care of a patient with vertebral subluxations and unsuccessful surgery of the cervical spine”. This was a report of a 55-year-old man who had neck pain along with radiating pain down both arms
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Published in the January 12, 2006 issue of the scientific journal, Chiropractic & Osteopathy from Australasia, comes a report of a series of case studies documenting chiropractic helping multiple cases of idiopathic scoliosis. In this report three documented case studies are followed and the results reported after chiropractic care. Idiopathic scoliosis is the most prevalent
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From the May 8th, 2006, issue of the Ventura County Star comes an interesting article on rodeo cowboys and chiropractic. The article starts off by reviewing the harsh incidents rodeo cowboys endure. The article describes how they get tossed around on the back of an angry 1,800-pound bull, they leap off a galloping horse, many
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From the June 2004 issue of the peer reviewed scientific journal, The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, comes a documented case study of a 70 year old woman who was injured in a side-impact motor vehicle accident. The report noted that within hours of the accident, the woman developed headaches, neck pain, and a
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A study published in the April 15, 2005 scientific peer reviewed, “Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ” showed that the quality of life in a study population of homeless individuals was improved after the addition of chiropractic care. In this study, a small population of 10 homeless women at the Ellis Street Women’s Shelter was
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Numerous articles and reports have been in the press recently on chiropractic care for pregnant women. One such news story appeared April 16, 2003 on the NBC TV affiliate from Providence, Rhode Island. The news report by Health Check 10 Reporter Barbara Morse, started by featuring one woman Lee Ann, who recalled having severe pain
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In the October 8, 2002 issue of the online magazine “The Beacon Journal” at, appears a story with the simple headline, “Adjusting baby”. The story talks about pregnant women’s success in going to chiropractors as part of their care. The article states that many women who go to chiropractors during pregnancy do so for
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A case study appeared in the June 2006 issue of Clinical Chiropractic and reported on a 69-year-old retired woman and civil servant who is a post-polio sufferer. In this case the woman presented with left hand pain of over 40 years duration with limited flexion of the fingers of her left hand. She reported that
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From the October 22, 2005 online MSNBC comes a cute story of how dogs and cats were helped by chiropractic. The story starts off by reporting on a 4 year old beagle named Molly, who was found paralyzed in her backyard and was unable to walk. After six visits for chiropractic care designed specifically for
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The above were the findings of a research project conducted in Australia where 420 patients were studied. On October 5th 2002 at the 9th International Conference on Spinal Manipulation in Toronto, Ray Hayek, Ph.D., head of the investigative team told the assembly that patients afflicted with asthma may benefit from spinal manipulation in terms of
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