Wellness Library

Literature Review Shows Chiropractic Beneficial for Patients With Neck Pain

A literature review of existing studies shows that chiropractic care is effective for patients suffering from chronic neck pain. The study, published in the scientific periodical, the March 2007 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, looked at 16 prior studies and put the data from these studies together to get a larger

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Hiccup Girl Stops, Helped by Chiropractic

Jennifer Mee became famous because of her relentless case of hiccups that lasted 37 days. During that time many health professionals came forward and offered to help. Two publications, the March 2, 2007 St. Petersburg Times and the March 4, 2007 Buffalo News, reported that help also came to Jennifer from chiropractic care. After not

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Study Proves Chiropractic Helps Sudden and Painful Low Back Pain

A study published in the February 2007 issue of the scientific periodical, The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, (JMPT) shows some amazing results for patients with sudden painful lower back pain with chiropractic care. The study was conducted at the Department of Orthopedics, Central Hospital of Sogn and Fjordane, Frde, Norway. The study was

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Straight From The Horse’s Mouth

An interesting and odd series of stories appearing from July 4th to the 6th, 2003 in a number of papers reported that medical students are starting to work with horses in an attempt to improve their human bedside manner. The story from Arizona AFP News starts by saying, “A group of US medical students have

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Montel Williams Testifies About Chiropractic Helping Him With His Multiple Sclerosis

A video published on December 23, 2007, on the popular website YouTube, shows Montel Williams testifying about the great results he got under chiropractic care. The daytime television personality was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). His personal experience has caught the eye of many in chiropractic and in the MS community. On the video, Montel

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