In the December 19, 2007 issue of the scientific journal Chiropractic & Osteopathy, is a case study that clearly documented the presence of a subluxation on MRI and showed how chiropractic helped in this case when medical care had previously failed. This case documented the plight of a 21 year old woman who was involved
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A human interest story appeared in the November 1, 2007 issue of the online magazine “The Vista” that talked about the sickness and recovery from Multiple Sclerosis of James L. Klages, a cornet soloist who was the only person hired in that capacity in the 20th century by “The Presidents’ Own” United States Marines. Klages
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The above headline comes from a July 05, 2007 release from the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. This release notes that chiropractic care provides significant, ongoing relief for whiplash. According to the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, “Whiplash is defined as an injury to the cervical spine caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head, backward
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A case study published on November 26, 2007 in the scientific periodical the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research documented the case of a 7 year old asthmatic girl whose life was changed with chiropractic. This documented case followed the care of this little girl who had suffered from chronic asthma since age two. The study
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Several news stories reported on a study performed at the University of Leeds in England, and published in the August 1, 2007 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, that showed links between neck muscles and the brain and that this link plays a crucial role in controlling blood pressure. One report by UPI on August
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Anyone who has been a patient of ours has probably heard the term “subluxation”. This is not, however, a word that most people understand or comprehend. When you hear the word “cancer”, there is an instant vision of a very serious and possibly life threatening disease. When you hear the word “AIDS”, you think of
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A case study published in the December 18, 2007 issue of the scientific periodical, the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, documented the improvement of a 55-year-old woman who had suffered two automobile accidents. As a result of these accidents, the woman was reporting symptoms of whiplash, loss of range of motion in her right arm,
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A December 13, 2003 article on WebMD, featured research showing that early use of the commonly prescribed ADHD drug, Ritalin, can lead to depression later in life. This evidence is based on new studies performed on rats. The article does note that it is an open question as to whether what passes for depression in
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The above is a headline from the May 24, 2006 AP article appearing on ABC News Health website. According to the story, the U.S. centres for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention released the first national estimates of this problem. According to the CDC these drugs cause approximately 3,100 people to have to go to the
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In a September 1st 1999 article from the Associated Press recently reported on ABC News comes a story about the over diagnosis and over drug treatment of children for Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, (ADHD). The article reports on a study published in the American Journal of Public Health where researchers examined about 30,000 grade-school
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