Wellness Library

Allergies Often Misdiagnosed

A new study finds that almost two-thirds of those who take allergy drugs don’t need them. Dr. Sheryl Szeinbach of Ohio State University studied 265 patients taking allergy medications. The study found that 65 percent did not actually suffer from allergies. The consequences are that people who are misdiagnosed can waste as much as $80

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Alternative Healthcare

In the November 11th, 1998 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, (JAMA), David Eisenberg, M.D. published his long awaited follow up study on the use of “Alternative Medicine” in the United States. Several years earlier, Dr. Eisenberg published his initial study that rocked the medical community with his findings of how many

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Cancer Patients In Canada Receive Chiropractic

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, July 18, 2000 shows that Ontario women diagnosed with breast cancer in 1994 or 1995 elected to use some form of what the study termed, “Complementary/Alternative Medicine” including chiropractic. The study conducted at the Centre for Studies in Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University

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Chiropractic Adjustments Help Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Pain) In Case Series

In the March 2008, issue of the the scientific periodical, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), is a case series documenting specific chiropractic techniques helping women suffering from monthly menstrual pains. This study looked at the effect of specific chiropractic adjustments on women who suffered with monthly menstrual pains from dysmenorrhea. The study

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Chiropractic Helps Infant with Serious Lung Condition

A case study published in the February 19, 2008 issue of the scientific periodical, the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (JVSR), documents a case of an infant with bronchopulmonary dysplasia being helped with chiropractic. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, (BPD), is a serious lung condition that affects infants who are born premature and have resulting breathing and lung

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Chiropractic Safe for Children According to Study

The results of a large practice based study accepted and presented at the December 2007 “14th Annual Symposium on Complementary Health Care” held at the Peter Chalk Conference Centre, University of Exeter, UK, showed that chiropractic care of children is safe and effective. The study, titled, “Treatment-related aggravations, complications and improvements attributed to chiropractic spinal

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