Wellness Library

Breast Feeding Is Best For Baby

Two separate stories from the February 27, 2002 and March 27, 2002 issues of Intelihealth both tout the benefits of breastfeeding. Breast FeedingOne of the articles starts off by explaining the financial benefits of breast feeding, where estimates that mothers who breastfeed can save around $3000.00 per year on formula. Additionally, the article states that

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Breast Feeding

In an Associated Press story of October 19, 1999 was a report of a new study that shows that breast fed babies may up to 30% lower risk of developing leukemia. These findings were also published in the October 20 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. This new research was performed by

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Breast Cancer Linked to Antibiotic Use

From the February 18, 2004 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, (JAMA) comes an alarming study that suggests that breast cancer is linked to the use of antibiotics. Researchers pored over the medical records of thousands of American women and found that those who took the drugs most often had twice the

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Brain, Your Amazing Brain

In the Science Times section of the October of 1998 New York Times come an article that also discusses the effect placebos have on healing. The article discusses the ability of someone’s belief in healing to cause healing. According to the article scientists are now starting to understand some of the brain functions that may

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Birth Control Pills Linked to Breast Cancer

From the October 11, 2000 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, comes an article reporting on a study of historical data related to the use of oral contraceptive by women. The conclusion of the researchers was that, “These results suggest that women who have ever used earlier formulations of oral contraceptives and

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Bed Rest May Not be Helpful

In an Associated Press story of October 8, 1999, comes a report of research conducted at the University of Queensland Medical School in Australia, that shows that the time honored practice of bed rest for illness may not be helpful. The researchers examined all previous studies on the effectiveness of bed rest compared to patients

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