Wellness Library

Drug Company Found 80% Guilty of Murder

A jury in Wyoming found the British based drug company GlaxoSmithKline 80% responsible for a family murder – suicide committed by a patient taking a drug produced by the company. The drug was was an anti depressant marketed as Praxil in the United States and Seroxat in Britain. According to the report published in the

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Drug Advertising Debate Heats Up

The debate over Direct-to-Consumer Drug Ads, known as “DTCs” has heated up on several fronts as some in the medical profession and government see it as an expensive threat to consumer health, while others see it as the next step in consumer education. In the July 2, 2001 issue of the AMA News, was a

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Doctors Speed Death of ill Babies

This shocking headline comes from the April 8, 2005 United Press International, but was also reported by Reuters news service and Medical News Today. The basis of this headline is a survey of doctors in Belgium recently published in the The Lancet medical journal, that showed that when faced with a critically ill baby, three

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Doctors See Flaws in Healthcare System

As reported by Reuters Health on May 08, 2001, according to the results of a national survey released by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, more than 70% of healthcare professionals believe that fundamental changes to the US healthcare system are needed to improve the quality of care delivered to patients. Even more drastic, another 11%

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