Wellness Library

Healing Power of Humor

Studies are now showing that laughter may be one of the healthiest things you can do. Several recent studies show that laugher is actually very healthy and promotes healing from within. One study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association on Feb 14, 2001 came from research at Unitika Central Hospital in Japan.

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Fruits and Vegetables Reduce Stroke Risk

October 6, 1999 Reuters News reports on a story in the Journal of the American Medical Association on the benefits of fruits and vegetables. The study conducted at Harvard’s School of Public Health studied the relationship between fruit intake and the rate of stroke in over 75,000 women. The results clearly showed a decrease in

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Medical Errors Still a Leading Killer

An article in the November 9, 2004 issue of the Boston Globe critically examines the rate of medical errors. The article starts off by recalling that five years ago a medical report titled, “To Err is Human” was published that exposed the large problem of medical errors. The original report in 1999 called for a

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Many Parents Don’t Know Cold Facts

The above is the title from an article which appeared in the February 3, 2003 issue of WebMD. The article reported on a survey from Children’s Hospital, Boston, and was published in the American Academy of Pediatrics February issue of the journal, “Pediatrics.” The study noted that in 1998 colds accounted for 1.6 million emergency

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