Wellness Library

Lack of Sleep Can Make You Fatter

From the American College of Physicians, December 7th 2004 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine comes a study that suggests that there is a correlation between lack of sleep and weight gain. Chief author, Dr. Eve Van Cauter, Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago, states, “If you do not run a sleep debt, you

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Light Cigarettes More Dangerous Than Thought

For those who thought smoking light cigarettes was somehow safer, comes a report in the Jan. 19, 2000 Journal of the National Cancer Institute. In this report, researchers state that their findings indicate about 80 percent of smokers in the United States who regularly smoke “light” cigarettes are getting twice the exposure of carcinogens than

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Liposuction Can Be Deadly

The above headline came from Jan. 19, 2000 MSNBC news. The subtitle is even more chilling saying, “Liposuction has become the most common cosmetic procedure in the United States, but surgeons warned Wednesday that some people dying to get rid of that extra fat may literally pay for it with their lives.” This revelation was

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Low-Tar Cigarettes Not Any Better

Everyone knows of the health hazard that smoking causes. However, some believe that smoking low-tar cigarettes may not be as bad. A recent study reported by the London Associated Press on January 9, 2004, disputed this notion. According to the first study comparing lung cancer deaths among smokers of ultra-light, mild and medium filtered cigarettes,

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Manual Therapy Works Best for Neck Pain

The above title comes from a May 6, 2002 Reuter’s Health article reporting on a study published in the May issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine. In this study Dr. Jan Lucas Hoving of Monash University in Victoria, Australia reports that what they called “Manual Therapy” included procedures performed by chiropractors. Other previous studies

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Many Kids Take Too Many Headache Pills

The June 10, 2004 Reuters Health reports that a new study released June 10, shows that nearly one quarter of children and teens with chronic headaches are overusing over-the-counter pain relievers. The study defined overuse of pain relievers as taking more than three doses per week for over six weeks. The study noted that approximately

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Many Parents Don’t Know Cold Facts

The above is the title from an article which appeared in the February 3, 2003 issue of WebMD. The article reported on a survey from Children’s Hospital, Boston, and was published in the American Academy of Pediatrics February issue of the journal, “Pediatrics.” The study noted that in 1998 colds accounted for 1.6 million emergency

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Medical Errors Still a Leading Killer

An article in the November 9, 2004 issue of the Boston Globe critically examines the rate of medical errors. The article starts off by recalling that five years ago a medical report titled, “To Err is Human” was published that exposed the large problem of medical errors. The original report in 1999 called for a

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