A November 10, 2003 MSNBC article from Reuters news starts off by saying, “A consumer group charged that the marketing of fatty, sugary, and low-nutrient foods was fueling childhood obesity and it called for restricting promotions targeted at the young.” A Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group, The centre for Science in the Public Interest, (CSPI) released
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From the September 28, 2003 New York Daily News comes an article that suggests that America is becoming a drug-dependent nation. The title of the article is, “We need a war vs. legal drugs”, and starts off by noting that from 1998 to 2002, sales of anti-depressant medications increased 73% to more than $12 billion,
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In a series of articles dated July 21 and 22, 2002 from the Chicago Tribune comes a frightening report of needless deaths of thousands of infants due simply to actions of hospitals and their workers. According to an analysis done by the Tribune of records at the federal centres for Disease Control and Prevention, pediatric
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As reported on December 28th, 1999 on MSNBC, the US Federal government is pushing for new unprecedented powers to “crack down” on web sites dispensing drugs. The proposed measures include requiring the US Food and Drug Administration to verify the legitimacy of web site pharmacies. The concerns are with those sites selling drugs without a
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In the January 14, 2003 issue of the Washington Post is a news story that reported the results of a study done at the University of Maryland in Baltimore on the drastic increase in psychiatric drug use in children. The study, which evaluated 900,000 children on Medicaid in a Midwest state, showed that more than
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The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) April 17, 2002 issue published a Health Agency Update titled, “More Children on CNS Drugs”. This article reports on a study funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, which states that, “The proportion of children and adolescents receiving psychotropic medicines increased substantially between 1995 and
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The World Health Organization, (WHO) released figures on health and life expectancy as reported by Reuters on June 4 2000. In this release the United States was shown to be the biggest spender at around $3700 per person per year. With those numbers you might expect the US to do well as compared to the
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From the September 4, 2001 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine comes an article with the long title, “Perceptions about Complementary Therapies Relative to Conventional Therapies among Adults Who Use Both: Results from a National Survey”. The survey conducted tests for the usage of what the researchers call “Complementary Medicine.” It should be noted
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According to a report, “Health, United States 2004,” from the centres for Disease Control and Prevention, more Americans are taking prescription drugs than ever. Just a decade ago the report noted that 39% of Americans were on at least one prescription drug. As of the year 2000, that number has jumped to 44%. Additionally, the
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A series of stories appearing on May 28, 2004 through PRNewswire and other news outlets reported on a study released the day before by the National centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). The study reveals that 36 percent of Americans are incorporating non medical types of care, what the study refers to as, “complementary
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