Wellness Library

More People Using Non-Medical Care

From the September 4, 2001 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine comes an article with the long title, “Perceptions about Complementary Therapies Relative to Conventional Therapies among Adults Who Use Both: Results from a National Survey”. The survey conducted tests for the usage of what the researchers call “Complementary Medicine.” It should be noted

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Most Get Mediocre Health Care

The above headline came from a March 16, 2006, Associated Press story by Jeff Donn that appeared in many newspapers and online outlets. The article was based on a study published in the March 16th New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) and starts out by noting that, “Americans — rich, poor, black, white — get

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New Bacteria Threaten Public Health

The above headline comes from a November 9, 2004 ABC News feature story. The feature describes a disturbing trend of new mutated bacteria that are resistant to medical attacks from antibiotics. The article focuses on one bacteria specifically known as “MRSA”. This bacterium is a mutated tough new strain of staph against which most of

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New Drugs May Not Be Safe

In an April 30, 2002, Associated Press report, came a story based on a May 1, 2002 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that claims that many newly released drugs are still dangerous when released because not enough is known about them before they are released into the market. The AP

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New Warning Labels Proposed for Over the Counter and Prescription Drugs

The Dec. 3, 2001 issue of the American Medical News reported that the US Food and Drug Administration may change warning labels and increase patient education because of fatal vehicle crashes linked to legal medications. The new label requirements would address possible sedation or impairment caused by over-the-counter and prescription drugs. This possible action is

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New Warnings on ADHD Drugs

An article from the Associated Press on February 9, 2006 reports that experts from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel have recommended that Ritalin and other stimulant drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should carry the strongest warning that they may be linked to an increased risk of death and injury. The

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No Junk Food Schools

A story that appeared in the April 19, 2004 Associated Press, highlighted schools that were eliminating all junk food from school grounds. In an attempt to improve the diet and health of students, Nathan Hale School, in New Haven Connecticut has eliminated junk food from the school menus and vending machines. Principal Kim Johnsky boasted

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