Wellness Library

Depression and Chiropractic: A Case Study

A case study of a patient with lower back pain and depressive symptoms was published in the March 2006 issue of the scientific periodical, Clinical Chiropractic. In this case, a 71-year-old female sought chiropractic care for low back pain of 12 years’ duration. The patient also noted that she was currently experiencing depression and mood

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Drug Errors Hurt 1 in 15 Hospitalized Kids

The above headline comes from an April 7, 2008, CNN story reporting on the large number of medical errors children receive while in hospitals in the US. The article starts off by saying, “Medicine mix-ups, accidental overdoses and bad drug reactions harm roughly one out of 15 hospitalized children, according to the first scientific test

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Fevers in Children, a Normal Healthy Response

For years parents have worried about their children getting fevers. And for years many authorities, including most chiropractors have said that fevers were a normal response of the body to certain situations. Now several health publications such as Mothering Magazine, WebMD and Reuters Health have reported in several 2001 issues about how fevers are a

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