Wellness Library

Chiropractic’s Role in Sports

As more athletes discover the benefits of chiropractic care not only for injuries but additionally for increased performance, more athletes and teams are using chiropractic to gain an important edge. A recent study published in the March/April 2002 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, (JMPT) examined the usage of chiropractic care by

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Chiropractic Represented at Anti-Aging Health Conference

Chiropractic was represented at the world’s largest “anti-aging” conference in Chicago July 13-15, 2001. At this conference four chiropractic presenters provided important data and insights on the role of chiropractic in the care of older patients. The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) who sponsored the conference, is recognized as the society which has changed

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Chiropractor Key to Bonds’ Power?

The above headline excerpt is from the June 10, 2006 “Giants Notebook” section of the San Francisco Chronicle. This story reports on Dr. Ron Mitchell, a chiropractor who travels with the San Francisco Giants baseball team as their team chiropractor. The story starts by noting that Dr. Mitchell loves to watch Bonds hit home runs

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Study Shows Chiropractic More Effective Than Medication or Acupuncture

Research published in the January 2005 issue of the scientific periodical the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, (JMPT) showed that patients with chronic spinal pain syndromes did markedly better than patients who received either medication or acupuncture. Participants in this study were those who had pain for more than 13 weeks. These participants were

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Pull Weeds, Not Your Muscles

The above is the advice from the Colorado Chiropractic Association (CCA) and appeared as a PRNewswire release on May 27, 2004. The article starts out by noting that bending, reaching, and digging in the garden can provide a great workout, but if you’re not careful you can get hurt. The article suggests that a warm-up

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