family chiropractor

Dr. Jacque­line Tsi­a­palis is a fam­ily chi­ro­prac­tor, wife, and mom, ICPA certified in the care of preg­nant moms, chil­dren and babies for almost 30 years.

Dr. Jacqueline, born in Toronto, Canada, attended McGill University in Montreal, Canada with an undergraduate in Anthropology studying Cross Cultural Health Care. She then earned her Doctor of Chiropractic from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. Dr. Jacqueline furthered her mission to care for women and children by completing her fellowship in Pregnancy and Pediatric Care with the International Chiropractic Pediatric Assocation as well as completing two years of the post-doctorate diplomate certification in chiropractic neurology. She was blessed to have Founding status with the ICPA taught by ICPA founder Dr. Larry Webster and developer Dr. Jeanne Ohm including The Webster Technique for Pregnancy.

Compassionate about caring for women and children, Dr. Jacqueline Tsiapalis helps empower moms and families. She cares for moms through pre-natal years, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and throughout motherhood. She provides care for infants, babies, toddlers, children and teens throughout their development. She values the incredible potential of pregnancy and birth and child development as natural incredible and amazing processes to trust. She helps moms and dads and children to trust in their amazing bodies, and collaborates with a community of midwives, doulas, and birth and child care providers.

Dr. Jacqueline is blessed with an amaz­ing fam­ily with her hus­band, Dr. Gus, and their four chil­dren. All four chil­dren were born at home, are unvaccinated and have been adjusted since birth.

Her pri­mary mis­sion is to help as many moms and fam­i­lies as pos­si­ble, to empower them­selves to live at their opti­mal poten­tial. It is through her own expe­ri­ence of the effects of a trau­matic birth as well as her expe­ri­ences of anovu­la­tion (pre­vent­ing con­cep­tion), she has made this her mission.

Dr. C. Gus Tsi­a­palis is blessed to be a fam­ily chi­ro­prac­tor, a hus­band, a father of four beau­ti­ful chil­dren, a professional speaker and inspirational coach on innate health and wellness.
He has been living and sharing the chiropractic lifestyle for almost three decades. He started in Canada after com­plet­ing his Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Bio­chem­istry at Uni­ver­sity of Western Ontario and after earning his Doc­tor of Chi­ro­prac­tic at Cana­dian Memo­r­ial Chi­ro­prac­tic Col­lege in 1995. After practicing for over 25 years serving thousands of families throughout the greater Toronto area, and throughout southern, eastern and northern Ontario as a covering Chiropractor, he was called down to Florida to help empower more people towards optimal health in South Florida.
As Dr. Gus shares, he didn’t choose chi­ro­prac­tic, it chose him. Dr Gus stopped play­ing pro­fes­sional beach vol­ley­ball after being diag­nosed with a form of mus­cu­lar meta­bolic dys­tro­phy. This led him to chi­ro­prac­tic, which changed his life, and has been his pas­sion along with coaching since.
When not serving chiropractic practice members, he is writing/authoring books on wellness and contributing back to beach volleyball by coaching Canadian Olympic beach volleyball athletes and high performance youth athletes.
Dr. Gus lives and breathes the chiropractic lifestyle, being blessed with four children born at home and adjusted since birth. He welcomes you and thanks you for trusting him in helping empower you and your family to live to your fullest health potential throughout your life.