Movement is Life and Chiropractic Delivers This may sound a bit strange at first, but if you think about it for a moment, the truth of this statement begins to become more and more apparent. Without movement you could not sustain life: blood cells that don’t move cannot transport oxygen, lungs that don’t move can’t
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Drs. Gus and Jacqueline Tsiapalis live and serve by their experience to help moms, with Dr. Jacqueline having had four healthy pregnancies and births of her own with the help of specific prenatal chiropractic care.
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Healthy Sleep for Kids When our older son Max was 3 years old, he faced health challenges with his breathing at night. He was not sleeping well. He was breathing through his mouth, not his nose, snoring loudly, and would regularly stop breathing, wake up with a start, then inhale a deep breath and fall
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We believe that health exists when every part of your body is functioning properly. True health occurs when your brain can communicate, uninterrupted, with the rest of your body, tell it what to do, and when to do it. While the resolution of health is typically regarded as something that requires treatment or therapy from
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