pregnancy chiropractor

Your Inner Wisdom: Trusting the Process for Natural Birthing

Your Inner Wisdom: Trusting the Process for Natural Birthing It is sometimes called “our inner knowing,” “the gut feeling,” or “the wisdom within.” Whatever its name, the experience is universal. It is a feeling, a word, an image that stands out bolder than the regular stream of conscious thought and it makes a slightly deeper

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Why is the Fear of Birth Rising?

Author: Sam McCulloch Published in Pathways to Family Wellness, Issue #53, Spring 2017 If you’re pregnant, you may have typed these words into your favorite search engine: “scared of giving birth.” Most women at some stage will admit to having some (or many) fears about giving birth, especially if it’s their first time. Some women

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We believe that health exists when every part of your body is functioning properly. True health occurs when your brain can communicate, uninterrupted, with the rest of your body, tell it what to do, and when to do it. While the resolution of health is typically regarded as something that requires treatment or therapy from

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